"Many normal girls have never seen a real bimbo doll in persona. They always lived in their social echo-chamber, where they are told NOT to be feminine, sexy and girly.

Big, fake tits, heavy make up, super short skirts, blonde hair and
high heels are very negatively connoted where these girls come from,
and therefore it is not very surprising they adapted those
propagandised negative and toxic biasses
. In addition, deep in their
mind, they know that these bimbo dolls they observe are true
princesses and queens, highly coveted by every man in the room.

Naturally, this generates negative emotions like envy and
covetousness. But sometimes those girls are honest to themselves
enough, to admit they secretly just want to be like those dolls they
stare at.

BBFs in a club, radiate a powerful and special atmosphere:
We looked at the party-aura of BBFs already
and, like I said, there
is a strong attraction to other bimbo girls
, but this doesn’t stop
there. BBFs convey the impression of a group of girls, not only the
hottest, sexiest and most desired in the whole place, but who have
the time of their lives, partying, having fun, flirting, dancing,
drinking, giggling, showing their strong bonds, showing their
perfect bodies, their awesome styling and make up skills, their
expensive clothes and accessories.

A lone bimbo simply can’t generate these expressions on her own. It is very important for a group of BBFs to generate a field of pure victory over all the other girls, being the winners of the competition in drawing attention and having fun....

This appeal of victory and triumph, of fun, exuberance and friskiness can convince many normal girls to reconsider their ideas of those dolls. In addition, the perfected styling of those bimbos (made fail-safe by the BBFs) will draw the curiosity of many normal girls: How did they manage to create those curls? “What type of eyeliner is that?” “Where did she
get those shoes?” “Are those tits fake? – I always wondered
how silicone boobs feel like?” “Was it that expensive?”
“Wow… I want to be like her…”

These are just some examples of what honest girls might think when they see a group of bimbos – and if they manage to bear up and take the heart to
approach those perfect bimbo dolls, they might get sucked in into the
bimbo culture....

Apart from the obvious upsides, your bimbo might be so well trained, that she takes advantage of those feelings of that girl, that she immediately starts a “bimbo indoctrination” on her own, by putting the idea of bimbo ideals in the mind of her normal admirer.

That girl will realize that she has to correspond to those plastic perfect ideals over time in order to receive (sexual) attention from your bimbo doll.

This progress is again in favour of your possibilities. You might not only expand your influence over that young trainee, and benefit from the usual upsides of BBFs, but you
might develop an interesting relationship with her, as well as with
her and your bimbo together

Do not underestimate the power of bimbo groups and BBFs, regarding their potency to proselyte and convert normal and boring girls! The stronger the connection of the BBFs, the better – the bigger the group of BBFs, also the better!

Other girls will definitely notice those bonds...strong and confident BBFs are
role models and living proof of the superiority of bimbos and the proof for any normal girl, that it is not only perfectly acceptable for her to be feminine, fake, beautiful, sexy, girly and “bimboish”– but that it will be rewarded with attention, desire, fame and very strong bonds with other girls, who are just perfect like herself."


Reposted from bimbo