Via her blog:

"Bimbology 101: The Science of Bimbofication...

What if, instead of stressing over how I’m doing at work, I filled my time with the quiet bliss of shopping, manicures, and glitter eye shadow?

Is it too late to become a bimbo?

To be a bimbo, you need two key characteristics: you must be hot, and you must be dumb. There aren’t standard requirements as to how hot and how dumb, so being a bimbo is mostly a state of mind. It’s about focusing on your looks, and deprioritizing how smart you sound.

It’s a pressure-free, ditsy existence....

As a result, young Millennial women learnt that intelligence was to be prized above everything else. We were raised to believe that bimbo behaviour was reserved for those hot enough to be outwardly stupid. In movies, we villainized bitchy blondes so we could root for our mousey, brunette, girl-next-door heroines.

Sarcasm always trumped mini skirts.

Characters like Elle Woods are a subversive take on bimbos. Knowing what last season’s colours are, having a pension for pink, and being in a sorority aren’t markers of intelligence. Why can’t you use a fuzzy pen at Harvard? Similarly, Dolly Parton has always flown her bimbo flag high. Her big boobs, big hair, and botox don’t define her mind as a songwriter.

Also, they look fabulous.

...Like many proud brunettes, I did my best to distance myself from the girlygirls. Instead, I landed among the Manic Pixie Dream Girls who filled time with obscure books, quirky hobbies, and a series of depressed men. Our guiding force was “pretty, but she doesn’t know it.” The goal was to be so focused on a career, math equation, or music collection that you never noticed you were drop-dead gorgeous. We wanted to be the ultimate, low-maintenance girl.

But, really, what’s so wrong with knowing you’re hot? Shopping for crop tops seems like way more fun than hoping to get noticed at a Death Cab for Cutie concert. 

The younger generation is reclaiming “bimbo” the same way we reclaimed “bitch” and “slut” before. Most feminists align with body positivity, sexual freedom, and unapologetic boardroom banter. Now the new wave is asking us to accept baby voices and bubble-gum smacking as part of the feminist agenda.

To me, the idea is freeing. Why yes, I’d love not to care about knowing the answer to a question. How wonderful it must be to not have endless shame about saying something wrong. Imagine taking pride in dressing to feel sexy every day, without second-guessing that you’re doing too much....

Let the girls be silly, sexy, and stress-free.

After years of proving that we are smart enough to be CEOs and run the world, maybe it’s time we let ourselves be a little ditsy. Let’s all strap on our sexiest boots and stomp on the ridiculous expectations we set for ourselves to be “not like other girls.” Because ladies, I’m really tired of trying to be put together and interesting all the time.

I’d much rather get a spray tan and take selfies."


Reposted from bimbo